Saturday, December 11, 2010

Nakias Open Book Interview With Tamika Brooklyn New York City

Hello Beautiful People.... I have been out of site on my blog page, and I apologize. Been busy busy busy, I will share with you on what is going on. I am working on my very own talk show. This is my very first phone interview.... Check it out on Youtube, share with family and friends. My website is coming soon and my email is I Welcome your opinions and comments. I want to thank my production company " Testimonialink" and if you would like to contact Testiminialink, send a message to I appreciate your support, and if you have any suggestions on a show, let me know. This is the beginning stages and a beautiful beginning, Yes, let us get it in. Making great positive moves................... Yes!!!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nakias Open Book - New Testimonialink Media Programming

Hello Beautiful People, I wanted to share my new adventure with you all. This is a Sample "Promo" of my new and upcoming "Talk Show".... " This is not the Actual Show".................

This is my Talk Show which is called "Open Book".... Just a introduction of what is coming to your eyes and ears soon. I do appreciate your support..... More to come...............!!!!!!

Yes, I am Nakia a.k.a Mamagirlalexis....I am soooo excited.... If you do not have anything Positive or nice to say, then Do not Say it At all.......................................

Friday, September 24, 2010

Should He Tell Her..........

Hello Beautiful People.... I am Back ....................................... : )

I have a topic that is very interesting to me and would like your feedback on this....

This topic was written into "Strawberry Letter" franchise that is so popular on "The Steve Harvey Morning Show".

Topic: Should I tell her?

Dear Morning Crew,

I've been divorced for over five years and my ex -wife has since remarried. The problem is that we are still sleeping together but when I went to her house to get some (cookie) I looked through the living room window and my Lil brother was getting some cookie (with milk). We had an agreement that we would never date each other's women past or present. They don't know that I saw them. Now weeks have past and I saw my brother creeping over again so I followed him and what I saw this time was worse, he wasn't getting cookies and milk, he was getting it from her husband. I never knew that my brother was g*y! Should I tell her?

Read more:

What I think:

This is something else and I do not know If I would tell her. This is a situation that is too much to deal with. I know if I was him, I would leave her alone for good.

*What do my Beautiful People think?

Because mamasgirlalexis would love to know....

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Relationships with self....

Relationships with self.

Do you think that you should date yourself, so that you can learn yourself?

Do you believe that you should love yourself better then someone else can love you?

I believe that you should love yourself and date yourself.

Take the time out to love yourself and know what you like and dislike.

We all go through our growing pains and that is what I am going through at this time in my life.

When I was in my twenties, I just knew what I liked within myself and what I wanted in a man.

Now, that I am in my thirties, my choices and decisions have changed.

My choices in friends, career and men has changed for me.

Friends: I know what a real friend is:
1. A friend is someone that will not judge you
2. A person that genuinely cares and is there for you through thick and thin
3. Someone that will make you laugh and provide a shoulder for your tears
4. Someone that respects you
5. Someone that talks bad about you
6. Disagree to agree, communicate and still remain friends after a falling out

I could go on and on with this list, I know you get my drift about a real, true friend

My career choices have changed just a little.
I have decided to take a course in medical billing & coding and then I will love to take up
Sonography or X-Ray Technician.

My dream of being a writer and photographer will not change. I am currently working on some projects. Once I get things together, I will share my photos with you. You will find out more about my special projects soon enough.

Men: OMG, LOL....................
I love men and I just love men.
I just do not like the games, lies and more games that many men play.

I will not be bothered anymore when I feel like a man is no good for me. Has no good intentions for me. I like to be on the same page with him, conversant, hang out and respect each other's point of views. I like to have my fun as well, I am honest and I like to let him know how I feel.
I like to communicate, because communication is very important in any relationship.

Fun you ask: My fun is getting to know him. The first stages is the greatest, the mystery behind him, the likes and dislikes of him ( DO not want many dislikes). Hanging out, conversing, finding out that you do have many things in common, to that first kiss. I am a person that enjoys kissing. I can kiss for hours, and did I just say that I can kiss for hours, minutes, seconds, days and days. LOL................ I may love to kiss, however I do not kiss just anyone. Repeat: Do not kiss just anyone.

This is just some of the fun ..................................... : )

Now, dating yourself:
Take yourself to the movies and buy a nice dinner for self. ( Just 1 bill ) : )
Buy yourself beautiful flowers, for the beautiful person you is:
Take yourself on trips, buy yourself those diamonds.
Learn yourself and be good to self.

Note: There is nothing wrong with someone else doing this for you.
When you do not have that someone and these are things you like, why not do it for yourself....
Even if you have that person that is doing this, still do things for self, pamper and love self always....

Also, I am upgrading myself. That is getting that better job , career and school.
I did some college when I was living in another state. I will be going back to school, just like I mentioned previously. Upgrade the better side of you and who you am, try to not settle for just anything.

Do not try, just do because trying is a failure.
Thanks sis, my sister told me this from one of her friends and it is true. It is so easy to give advice and so hard for self to take own advice. It is a work in the positive direction of self and self proclaimed experience. Take on those experiences and learn from them, be self and change for the better. Be loved, be life and be you.....

Love you beautiful people, I am back............................... : )

Friday, May 14, 2010


Hello, I know I have been missing in action ( MIA ). I will be back soon to write, write and write!

Have a great, safe and blessed weekend!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Eyes of GOD

I have a great poem that a friend/co-worker allowed for me to read and then she passed this great poem out to each co-worker on our team. I would like to share this poem with you all because it is uplifting and very inspirational.

* His eyes are looking to and fro seeking whom he can send a blessing to.
He looks upon us so lovingly.
The eyes that watch over our souls are happy, angry and sometimes sad.
God's eyes see the beginning and the end of our lives. They are the windows of our soul.

Will we touch his heart enough that the course of our life will change?
Will we recognize that he knows all and sees all.
Will our discernment let us recognize what he is seeing is me?
He watches as his children live a life before him with no thought that it pains
him to see our conduct.
We have no appreciation of the great sacrifice of his son Jesus so that we can
be free of the curse of the forbidden tree.
What we have given in return is to live our lives in a manner we see fit.
Decisions made without thinking and praying about it; because we have
forgotten to seek him for an answer.
We live our lives on borrowed time not knowing what the next second, minute
or hour will bring.
We foolishly think that tomorrow will come because we have been deceived by the enemy.
We fail to pray to him during our quiet time.
We say we have the faith of a mustard seed. How is that true when we have
removed ourselves from prayers?
Yet GOD watches with patience and in awe and in anticipation that we will change.
We take his precious love for granted by thinking he owes us more.
We in our selfishness do not stop to ask him "God" can I do anything for you.
Not a moment passes that he does not love us.
Did you know that every pain we feel he feels it also?
It is just something so tangible about his love. When I think of his goodness and all that he has done for me it makes me want to dance, shout and scream hallelujah.
The question is why can"t we do more for him?
He desires to see a world harmonized coming together in unity as one.
His love is about giving to the broken hearted and bringing us back to him.
What will it take to make this happen in a world and nation so cruel with no
regards to mankind?
We kill the innocent then try to justify it by saying that we are doing his will.
I think of the countless missionaries, the women and children in the third world countries
such as Sudan.
The ones who are raped and brutally beaten by the ones they should trust the family
members brothers and friends.
The world has no justifiable reason why it continues to turn. Wake up people can't you see the wars and rumors of wars. The destruction of earth quakes in places far and near. The way the seasons are changing and it is called global warming. Well from what I have read int the great
book it is called the last days.

What if God decided to close his eyes for a minute from all the sickness and shame?
It saddens the heart of God so that he weeps, watches and waits.
He is waiting for the ones that are willing to stand up and hold the blood stained banner.
To shout from the mountain tops that for God I'll live and for him I will die. To teach the
word in places that others are not willing to go.
He commands us to love one another and expects nothing less.
His love for us is unconditional that is why his eyes rest on this great nation.
What are you willing to do to bring joy and laughter into the eyes of God?

This is dedicated to the father of this Universe my true love above our Father that sits high
and looks down low.

Written By: Ms. A

I hope all of my Beautiful People like this great poem....

Thursday, March 18, 2010

My Blogger Award Presentation....

Hello Beautiful People!
I received my first award and it is great.

I have 10 questions to answer before my award can be posted.
I want to thank you Melissa for the award, it means a great deal to me, I love it!

The questions of getting to know mamasgirlalexis a little more, hahahaha....

Melissa: What age was the very best for you so far?
Mamasgirlalexis: 1st answer of 2.
I would have to say from when I was born up until 18 years of age. The reason would be that more of my loved ones (family & friends) were around. Had no responsibilities, had fun being a tom boy! Well I am still a little tom boy at times.

My second answer: My age now, which is my 30's and best believe it is great. I can remember turning 30 and I was so depressed because I was no longer in my 20's and not where I wanted to be in life.
I will say that it is great getting to know me all over again, learning things (learning never stops) and I am finding me ( mamasgirlalexis). I am getting to the point of where I want to be in life, it takes time and patience and wanting the best for self.

Melissa: Did you have a "coming of age "summer?
Mamasgirlalexis: I would have to the age of 18, because I was in my first relationship and he was my first everything (If you know what I mean). This was a new level and a new stage of my life.

Melissa: How old were you when you got boobs (or hips) ?
Mamasgirlalexis: Wow, I really do not know. I guess when I was 13 or 14 yrs of age. I was so much into being a tom boy, I really didn't notice and many of my male friends didn't either. I would wear really large shirts and tees. They did not know that I had boobs, lol! I remember one of my male friends said the girls around here have large boobs and at least you N***a do not need to worry about that because you don't have any. LOL ! (Little did he know, what was under my shirt)

Melissa: Who was the worst teacher you ever had, and why?
Mamasgirlalexis: I guess I would say Ms. Schafer and the reason she stinks out in my mind is because she held me back in 1st grade for 1 point. Yep, one point and first grade beautiful people. She did it because I was her favorite pupil and she did not want me to leave her class. Dang, Melissa you have me being real personal, geezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!! : ( (Thinking to Self) Damn, first grade, I mean come on!!!!

Melissa: When you were in H.S, did you have a guy you thought was the one?
Mamasgirlalexis: Nope, not in H.S.

Melissa: How old were you the first time you had an alcoholic drink?
Mamasgirlalexis: I would have to say 16 yrs of age. I did like my wine coolers! I know it is kool aid, but so what. It had at least 1% of alcohol, so it counts! hahahahaha

Melissa: How old were you the first time you tried a drug?
Mamasgirlalexis: Wow, OK! There you go getting personal, lmao!
I was 24 yrs of age, and it was OK! I tried it one more time and that was it for me. I was still 24 yrs of age when I tried it the second time.

Melissa: When did you have your first kiss?
Mamasgirlalexis: I was 14 yrs of age, and it was my soul mate. I believe that he was and is to this day.
Where are you Michael Jacobs, from Mount Vernon?

Melissa: When did you wish that you knew then what you know now, when you were younger?
Mamasgirlalexis: I would say now, presently speaking. I would have saved more, invests, no credit cards or just had one credit card. And men, oh boy if I knew what I knew about them, I would have stayed a virgin! LOL! I am doing better about monies. It is a learning process, and I will and am getting better.

Melissa: Share a random confession about your youth?
Mamasgirlalexis: I would like to share that I was a singer and I my groups were Mary Jane Girls and a group called Mtume. And my brother and cousins were the back up singers (Brian, Timothy and Tyrone) . I would wear my weave of a skirt hair before weave was known, my cousins (girl cousin) heels and ankle socks with my comb mic. We were the bestess groups around! Our audience was the greatest and bestess ever known. My mommy, aunt and the rest of my cousins! Give them a round of applause....... Yhay!!

I hope you enjoyed the sneak peep of my inside life, before and now! hahahahaha
Gotta love ya!! Now that I have gladly accepted my Blogger award, there are rules that I would
send the Blogger Award to 5 fellow blogger. This is a great Award that shows that we appreciate you and your blog. And to keep up the great and fantastic writings etc.

My 5 Fellow Blogger Award goes to:

1. Hannahmiet - What can I say about this blogger, her writings of poetry is beautifully written. Her poetry is a work of art, she is a breath of fresh air to the lungs. If you do not know how that feels, then I suggest to take a look at her writings on the wall of blogging.

2. Sugahoney - Her blog is the truth and with the realness of her best life stories which is about her self and friends etc. The life stories have you asking yourself, why haven't she written a book as of yet.

3. Houseofflyness - This blog writings is so inspirational and very uplifting. She is so positive, and she has a great outlook on life.

4. Sexandthesouthernbelle - Her blog is very informational, funny and would keep your attention.

5. Somanylosers - What can I say, his blog is .... Check it for yourself.... I like his blog alot!!!!
He holds nothing back and I like that about him. He has you think, think and think again. : )

So, there you have it, my 5 fellow blogger is being awarded the Sunshine Blogger Award.
You bring the smiles, cries, and the laughter and much more out of me. You all deserve this award for your each individual and unique selves. Keep up the great blogs....

Later Beautiful People and I hope my brother and cousins do not read this post! LOL

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Differences between being a Dad vs.Father

I was a newborn to an infant and then a toddler to pre-teens, teens and then to adulthood with a Father, an absent father that is. I know that I would have loved to have been raised by both parents. Only if my father was a dad and not just a father (Sperm Donor). I was raised by a Great, Intelligent, Strong and Loving Woman. She is my mommy, dad, supporter, best friend and my heart!

Don't get me wrong, I do love my father because he is my father and he had a hand in me being here on this earth. His faults and his reasons for not being a dad to me and my brother is unknown. I don't know if his dad was absent from his life (no excuse) and he did not know any better. Maybe it had something to do with the way he was raised (no excuse). Either way my father was not there for me or my brother.

We would see him every now and then and once in awhile we would speak with him on the phone. When we did see him we did not have much to say to one another because he did not know me or my brother and we did not know much about him. He wasn't a very big part of our lives.

We only knew some things about our father because my mommy, aunt, uncle and friends would speak of him. Even though my father was not there for us, my mommy did not talk bad about our father to us because she wanted me and my brother to have the opportunity of getting to know about our father and make our own decisions and choices about him. I know I really respect my mommy for that because I know my mommy had it hard with raising us on her own. My mommy is a single parent and she is the Best mommy, dad, supporter and best friend to have in our life. We are really blessed to have my mommy as our mommy and dad!

I know it would have been better for her and alot more easier to raise me and my brother if she had the support of the other parent, full support not half ass support. We (mommy,myself and brother) would have loved to have a dad and not just a father (sperm donor).

A father can be someone that isn't there for the child(ren) at all. Does not support the child(ren) in any kind of way. Has no emotional connection to the child(ren), no say in how or what the child(ren) does. He may not provide food, clothing, shelter, under garments, shoes, sneakers, a listening ear to your first crush, that first F or A on the report card, no bed time stories, etc.

Then you have the father that provides financial support only. But no emotional ties or connection with the child(ren). He will provide money, clothes, shoes, food and shelter but then again no emotional connection with the child(ren).

To me any man that is only a Father is just the sperm donor. He is half part of why I, you, him and her is on this earth.

A Dad to me is one that already knows that he wants to be a dad. A dad is a man that can admit that he is scared when a woman comes to him and says she is pregnant and he does not run. A dad is there at the appointments with the woman, he is there at the hospital when the child is born. A dad starts from the beginning of time.

A dad can also be that outside man that stepped up to the plate and took the role of being a dad. The outside man which is not biologically your dad but is your dad!

A dad is the whole package, a man that takes responsibility of his child(ren). A dad is there when you have your first knee scrape, your first crush, even your first fight in school. A dad is a supporter along with mommy, he is there to read bedtime stories, kiss the bruise on the forehead from falling off that bike. He will be the one that supports you in your decisions, choices and I think we can leave the womanly things to mommy to handle. A dad will bring that cookie to your room and say don't tell mommy because we will both be in trouble.

A dad is someone that is there for your first date, first kiss, and even to tell you about girls/boys and of course stay away from the boys, they are no good!
A dad spends time with you and get to know you all over again as you grow from that newborn, infant, toddler, pre -teen, teens and then to adulthood. A dad is someone that you can talk to, hang out with and even make fun of at times about those tight sweat pants. A dad is the one that would bathe you and tuck you in at night. Daddy is the protector , the one that is your prince. A dad is loving, caring, respectful, understanding many times, a sucker when it comes to his daddy's little girl or dad's little man(not much of a sucker with the boy though). Because the boy cannot be too soft.

This is my differences between being a dad vs. father.

A dad is a man and is well respected by me. A dad is many faces and grow along with the many paces of the child(ren). He goes through the growing pains and the phases as the child(ren) goes through theirs. He is dad and he will always be there for his child(ren) no matter the circumstance.

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Voice

The voice of a man that make you rethink Celibacy?

OK, I will tell you what I am talking about, you got it out of me!
I have a blind date soon, so you know that I have never seen him before.
He has seen a picture of me but he doesn't know that it is me. It can be a fake for all he knows.
He called me last night and as soon as I picked up the phone, he Voice sent chills and throbs in places
that I thought was not alive any more! LOL
I was into his voice for the rest of the night. We talked until 3 something am in the morning.
I am practicing celibacy right now and the Voice had me re-thinking Celibacy!!!!!
Yes, he has that type of deep, raspy, sexy, lovemaking, lay it down type of Voice........Whew!
He states that he is in the studio all of the time because he produces and I thought of having the Bestess Love Making on the studio equipment.. I mean that Hot, Passionate, Taking clothes off with the teeth type of Sex.............................................................

That is the way his Voice makes me feel is, he had me all to him self last night.
I don't know if I want to meet him in person, because he may not look like how his Voice sounds.
I may just use him for the Voice. He can be my Voice man only..................................
Whew, I cannot wait to hear that Voice tonight....

OMG is all I can say tonight. I will keep all of MY BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE in tuned!!
You will be known of our progress....

Friday, February 19, 2010

My Tropical Island

Picture Credits Go To :
I need and want to tell you that I am in Tropical Dream Land right now with my Orange Dream Smoothie.

I do not know if you , you or even you know of or heard about or even have a Tropical Smoothie in your location (State)!

If you do please check out Tropical Smoothie Cafe............
They serve Fantastic Real Fruit Smoothies, Bistro Sandwichies, Fresh Salads, Toasted Wraps, Flatbreads and even Breakfast....
I was introduced to Tropical Smoothie Cafe by two co-workers several months ago.
I placed an order for the Jetty Junior Smoothie which is strawberries & banana.
I tell you this, I was in love with first sip of the straw. : )

The Smoothies I have tried & My Favorites:
Super Charged Smoothies:
Immune Blaster
Stress Defender
Very Berry Green Tea
Low Fat Smoothies:
Hawaii Breeze
Peaches n Silk
Super Fruit Smoothies:
Get up and Goji
Pomegranate Plunge*
Limited Time Smoothies:
Cranberry Truffle

Retired Smoothies:
Orange Dream

Experiences with my Super Charged Smoothies:
*I have been sick with a cold or my sinuses is messing with me or I am just tired from too little rest. Immune Blaster smoothie was a life saver, I had more energy and had more of a pep to my step and not to mention very good tasting smoothie. Favorite of mines

*When I have been stressed about moving, not enough sleep or just frustrated, I tried stress defender smoothie and I was amazed on her it helped me feel more relaxed.
Favorite of mines

*Omg, I love Green Tea, so the very berry green tea is a favorite not to mention the benefits from green tea(colds,sinuses, etc.)

Low Fat Smoothies:
I do like the hawaii breeze.
I think the peaches n silk is ok.

Super Fruit Smoothies:
I do like the get up and goji.
I did get a taste of the Pomegranate Plunge from my mommy and it is Great!

Limited & Retired Smoothies:
Cranberry Truffle & Orange Dream is my Favorites as well! : )

I am also in love with The Italian Bistro sandwich which has:
*Spicy ham, Ham, Provolone, Banana Peppers, Parmesan Tomatoes, Fried Greens & Pesto on Toasted Ciabatta
Note: The sandwich did miss the pesto today because the guy forgot my pesto : (!
Even without the pesto, it was still a great and tasty sandwich. The pesto does give the sandwich an extra tasty kick to it............

I wanted to share my Tropical Dream with you all today, if you have a Tropical Smoothie Cafe in your area, please give them a try and let me know what you think?

Check the site out:

Tropical Smoothie Cafe Slogan: eat better & feel beeter

This slogan is the Best....

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Different Now, Why?

We would text everyday, talk everyday or at least every other day.
We would go to the movies, car shows, plays and dinner because we are best of friends.
We would talk about mainly everything because we are comfortable with each other.
We knew of each others dislikes, likes and the horror stories of our individual dates.
We knew of each other's secrets and desires because we are very best of friends.
I just do not understand, well I do understand that it would change just a little when one of us do get involved (relationship).

Did not know that the friendship would not exist anymore......

I know that we may not talk, text or even hang out as much because of the new relationship.
Had no clue that you just did not want our friendship any longer. We both did not see our friendship as a season. We seen as a Reason for Lifetime....
I would like to continue on being friends and being in his life , I want to meet your new woman and that way she will get to know me. I was a part of your life for many years and how can a friendship be throw away that easily.

Now, the text, talk and hanging out has stopped completely.
If we was friends before the relationship, and when I was in a relationship I made time for my friend still.

I do understand that friendships will change a little because the time is made for the new partner and hopefully life partner.

I see relationships as being important because I do not allow just anyone into my life.
Relationships (Family ship, friendship,boyfriend and marriage) is very important and when someone finds a Great Friend, hold on to them because it is very hard to find a Great Friends!

It is a blessing .......
Continue to find time for your friend, just don't cut them loose because now your in a relationship

If that man/woman decides to not be the life partner for you, then guess who is there to help you through your heartbreak(Besides Family) your Bestess Friend......

I was asked some time ago to write about this topic.
I wanted to write from experience and I also asked the friend that did have help in my experience with this situation.

Alexis: Why is that when you was in a relationship, why did our friendship stop?
Him: I was so into her.
Alexis: I do understand that you would be giving her more time, but do not forget about your Great friends.. And I understand that we may not talk, text or even hang out much but just find the time. Great friends are hard to come by, accept and be grateful for the blessing of having a Great friend that would be there with you thick and thin and the same rules apply to you........
Him: I do apologize and I am very sorry for hurting you in that way
Alexis: I know you but if it was to happen again, I know where you live and I would put you in a choke hold.
Him: I will call the cops
Alexis: When I am released, I will come back to you and choke you out again....
Him: I will call the cops again and again
Alexis: I will come back again and again to choke you out
Him: You are crazy,LOL
Alexis: Yes, I am LOL
Alexis: Just want you to know that as a your friend I am here but not just here when you are not involved. If we are going to continue being friends then we deserve to be treated as a lifetime friendship. I wanted you to know that I was hurt by your actions.
Him: I understand and I am sorry......
Alexis: I am not playing with your butt anymore,LOL!

I do understand that you have been going through this situation and you two had a great relationship and now that he is involved with his partner, he has no use of the friendship that you two have had over the years.
I would suggest that you talk with him, and hopefully he would understand on how you feel.
He is currently all into her and now he has no idea on how to distinguish the two relationships.
I hope my experience and the answer from my friend has helped you.

I would love to hear from all My Beautiful People, your experience, advice and opinion on this situation......

WTF! The things we endure at times....

Me and my mommy went to this apartment complex named Crosswinds located in Chesapeake, Virginia.

Wow, this experience is unforgettable in the worst way, LOL !

Me and my mommy gladly walk into the leasing office and it is only one lady in the office and she is on the phone. She did not acknowledge us at all, so I said hello and she still said nothing.
(I know, we should have just walked out)

When she finally gets off the phone, she said yes how may I help you?
(It was hurting her to ask us that)
So, I say to her that I called yesterday and made an appointment for this morning at 9:30am.
She said: You did, who did you speak with?
Note: When she was on the phone, she stated her name was Cherie
So, I say that I spoke with someone named Cherie and I came in to look at a model apartment.
( I was being sarcastic, I really wanted to say:You know you are only one in this damn office, you nasty a@$ B*%!^!)

I know, I know but her attitude was out of this world!!!!

She said: That was me and then she grabs her keys and gets up with more of an attitude and yells upstairs to a make believe person named Fred, I am locking the doors and then says to us, it is to the right with attitude..........

Me and mommy stood there looking at each other like WTF is her Freaking problem!
She walks in front of us really fast, leaving us behind and to mention with her too the side heels that should have been flats and dirty ass pants and her wig that was greased down to her head with blue coloring in front of her hair................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Why did we not leave her ASS walking by her self, we should have turned around and let her ASS & TALK to herself.

We go inside to the apartment and me and mommy rushed through the apartment and leave out. Cherie all of a sudden looks surprised and we are walking back towards the front of the building where we parked in front of the leasing office and as she is unlocking the door, we continue to the car and I say Thank You, and she was like oh OK (Duh Look) and then Cherie says you welcome.

I was still friendly because I know we made her feel stupid, dumb, foolish and an ASS at the end.
No one should endure rudeness and sometimes it happens, maybe we accept it at times because we know how to make a person feel bad about how they treated you (us).
Sometimes we know if we knock a person straight out, then it is charges that may be filed, LOL!
It is ways to let a person know that they are Rude A$% F*&K**S that need to be put in their place.

Me & my mom talked about the experience in the car, we could have left or told her ASS off....
So, my mom called her ASS back and told her Rude ASS off!
It went like this:
My Mommy:
Is this Cherie?
You was very rude and very unprofessional to be in the position that you have.
"That attitude should be stuffed up your A$@!" ( SIKE) This is what I was thinking,LOL!

Back to what my mommy said: You need to check your attitude because it was UN called for.
How can you be in this position you are in with that nasty attitude.
You Cherie, have a great day and mommy hung up the phone very nicely....

You could hear Cherie, saying, but but, I , I wasn't , but....

You go mommy!!!!
The things we endure at times....

2ND Scenario of today: Drivers

OK, I dropped mommy off and headed off to work, and of course no one knows how to Drive!
I am in the far right lane and so this van to the left of me cuts in front of this truck in front of me and almost caused the truck to rear end his van. I decided to get over to the left lane and the guy in the van is looking down at something in his lap ( so, you know why he almost caused the accident)
He wasn't paying damn attention!

I made sure I was clear to get back over to the right lane so that I can get onto I264 West and I looked at my rear view mirror and I see the truck flying on side of the van and then he cuts the van off!

It was not cautious but people on the road make you want to slap the Shit out of them.
Just line all of the non cautious people up on the side road and just start slapping down the line at least 10 freaking times!

While slapping I will be yelling at them about their driving, and then take all license and cars away from them all ! (This would be a great idea, lol!)

Note: I also wish I had a truck that has a shovel located and hooked on the front of my truck and when someone acts stupid on the road, I want to push their Ass to the side of road and make their ASS park their car.......... LOL!!!!

I am not perfect at driving but I am cautious for self and others. When I drive I am driving for everyone else.

I Use to Love Love Driving, Yes key word Use to! : )

Note: I did put a thumbs up to the guy in the Truck!
I just get so frustrated with people on the road because they don't think about others on the road......

I was wrong to put a thumbs but he wanted to make the guy in the van know what he did to him on the road!!!!


Friday, February 12, 2010


Has it come to this nowadays?

The New Way To Approve A Man Application I received today from my co-worker to review, laugh and wonder....

Has it come to giving applications to potential friends, lovers and more?
I will agree that it is very hard to meet that one person that is the one for you.
It gets frustrating, lonely and down right disgusted.
It is very hard to find a man/woman that is close to your perfect. The one that accepts you for you and only you.

The application asks for all types of information like this:

Name: Last, First and Middle " Not Initial but Full Middle Name"
Telephone: Home, Work and Cell
Date Of Birth, Age, Height and Weight
Ethnicity: Black, Hispanic, White or other
Where do you live with: Parents(Mother,Father or both), Girlfriend,Baby Mama, Shelter etc.
Any Children: 1, 2, 3 or more
How many Baby Mamas: 1, 2, 3 or more and please provide names
Ever Been Married: once, twice or more
Are you or have you ever been on the down low: If yes, Stop filling out application
Do you owe child support: Yes, No or I don't know
*If your ex-wife is getting state benefits(childcare, food stamps.etc) STOP HERE and take care of kids.

Education: Any education at all
Have you been in Jail/Prison: If yes, what was the crime and time spent
Employed: Yes or No (If NO please STOP HERE)
Do you have health insurance:
Last visit to Dentist, Man Doctor, Any illnesses(List the following:Hepatitis,Gonorrhea, etc.)

By signing you agree that all information given is true to the best of your knowledge. For my protection, you may be asked to provide state ID, birth certificate, recent pay stub, recent clean bill of health from a certified physician.

Do you of have you ever used these: Heroin, Paint Markers, Ecstasy, Crack/Cocaine, etc.
Any Falsifying information may result in termination of this relationship (if applicable). and a severe a** whooping by my project cousins Pookie, Ray Ray, Darnell, Lil Krazy or all of the above

Just seeing the questions in an application form is funny.... LOL!!
If you think about it, the questions have been asked over the period of time to that special someone, friend, lover or more.

The questions may have been asked a little differently but it is the same question to many.

What do you think of this application should there be more questions or leave as is?

This application can be a starter out app:, because the questions can go deeper then this over time when we are getting to know someone.

I would like to know what you think about this application and what questions do you ask a man/woman? What questions should be added to this application?

My questions I ask and that should be added to application is:
1. Are you respectful?
2. Are you a romantic?
3. Are you spontaneous?

I have many more questions that is and will be asked over time.

* What do my Beautiful People Think?

My Imagination running ....

If I had a man/fiance that is a Mechanic

Myself Thinking: I really love my car and I know my Baby (Car) is material. I am thankful and blessed with a car that been around for awhile and she is older now and every time I get something fixed on my Baby, I need to replace/fix something a few weeks/month later. I am debating of getting the exhaust,engine inspected for oil leak/something rattling in my engine, crank sensor, and now my strut that was replaced not too long ago. Thinking about this was making me stress/frustrated and so I allowed my mind to go into imagination overload.

This is my imagination running:

Myself: I do not want to get rid of my car

Man/Fiance Mechanic:I know because when I brought you a new car, you made me take it back

Myself: I know and you know I really appreciated it

Man/Fiance Man: What am I going to do with you?

Myself: I know but ......

Man/Fiance Man: But ......

Myself: I had my car for a long time and she is a good car

Man/Fiance Man: You do have a good car or should I say had, it is time to let go
Man/Fiance Man: Please stop looking like that, with the pouting lips and sad eyes

Myself: Still Pouting and sighing

Man/Fiance Man: I want you to drive my truck(2010 Range Rover) and leave Baby with me. I am going to buy everything new for your baby and fix everything that needs fixing

Myself: OMG, OMG, OMG I love you so much and and and I don't know what to say

Man/Fiance Man: Your smile is enough, come here you Lil brat!!!! LOL

Myself: I'm hugging him and then I wrap my legs around his waist with some kisses all over his face

Man/Fiance Man: I am liking this!

Myself: So..........

Man/Fiance Man: So, I will take care of Baby, and get Baby right for you.

Myself: Great! Why did you take so long to do this
Myself: I know, I know

Man/Finance Man: Just give me a few weeks, so I can get some work out of the way

Myself: Take your time baby, my man

Man/Fiance Man: Smile

This is my imagination running wild.... Only in a perfect world ! LOL.........

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sex Text?

I have a question for you all.

When is it okay to talk Sex after talking to someone after 3days?
If you talk about it, does it show that you are only human with needs?

Does it show the man that you are an easy fix?
Does it show that I am woman that like to talk about things without being judged?

Note: I may have not talked about things (sex, how I really feel, etc.) because I felt it was too soon, or what he say or think of me?
(Just the Old Fashion Woman in me) But I have things I want to say at times without being judged….

What is the guidelines or timeframe that makes it okay?

And while I am writing this, a by stander was looking at what I was writing and stated this:

By stander: “It is okay"
By stander: “You can talk all you want does not mean that it will happen"
By stander: “Have you been talking everyday straight"?
By stander: “Have you had lengthy conversation"?

Me: Yes we have, but it has only been text.
Me: Yes, we have had lengthy text conversations

I guess it does make a difference because it is more personal when it comes to conversation over one of the inventions ( Telephone, Cell Phone ).
Is it bad to talk Sex over text and the thing is I have not heard the voice over the phone as of yet.

What does that say about me?
I will say that I am not ready to hear his voice as of yet.
I don’t want to kill the mystery as of yet.
I may want to hear his voice all of the time (If it is sexy)
Text is fun to a degree.
Seriously, text has taken over and being personal has changed.

What does it say about him?
It could mean that he may have something to hide (girlfriend)?
He does not want to take the mystery out of it?
May want to wait until I am ready to hear each other voice over the thing called phone?
May not be a conversational person on the phone?

I know that I am not ready to talk as of yet.
I will tell you this, I did dial the number and was going to talk but I changed my mind.
So, I just dialed the number and never pushed send. I just closed my phone and continued text.
Yes, I closed my phone; I have a flip phone now. LOL
That is another conversation for you all.

I wanted to bring this up because I am going through my first stages of Celibacy!
Yes, celibacy!
He would mention things like (gym, shower, being tall etc) and that would get me to thinking about,
yes you said it , SEX!

I do like Sex but I chose to go celibate because of several reasons. “Celibacy topic for another time”
I just mentioned to him today that what he said did something to me and he knows of my celibacy.
So, to his advantage he was saying things like a passionate kiss on the lips, a kiss on the neck and looking sexy once we meet.

I will say what he was saying(text) have me taking a deep breath and a long sigh because Sex/Making Love can be great, fun, fulfilling, passionate and among other great feelings and experience.

Note: I did tell him that I enjoy text/call but he can tell that I like to text more. He is waiting for me to be ready for the more personal thingy. LOL

So, my Beautiful People what do you think?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I would like for you to be "My Beautiful People"

I would like to know my readers. Anyone that takes their time out to read my Blogs , you are supporting me.
I do really appreciate you taking the time out to read and getting to know Mamas Girl Alexis.

I do have a link named: "My Beautiful People" located to the Left by clicking on "Follow", you will be my
beautiful person/supporter and I will know who you are.

Note: You Do Not need a Blog in order to be my beautiful person/supporter.

Thank you Future Beautiful Person,
Love Mamas Girl Alexis : )

Monday, February 1, 2010

Emotional, Physical and Mental Abuse?

Does your partner:

humiliate or yell at you?
criticize you and put you down?
treat you so badly that you’re embarrassed for your friends or family to see?
ignore or put down your opinions or accomplishments?
blame you for his own abusive behavior?
see you as property or a sex object, rather than as a person?

Does your partner:

act excessively jealous and possessive?
control where you go or what you do?
keep you from seeing your friends or family?
limit your access to money, the phone, or the car?
constantly check up on you?

Is this something that needs to be questioned in your relationship?
I ask you this because I believe it is happening to someone that I love and care for.

The things I see right now is:
criticize you and put you down?
act excessively jealous and possessive?

That is the two scenarios I have seen in her relationship. I did ask her not to see him or be bothered but she likes him and just takes it as he can be a jerk at times.

You see many women/men can be assholes or maybe a jerk at times but that is being misunderstood by many of us. It is different when it comes to name calling, criticizing, puttimg you down (be littering), jealousy and being posessive towards the person that you are in a relationship/married to.

That type of behavior becomes a problem and I know that I will (self) not stand for it. I know I haven't made the best choices in men but the men that I did choose to deal with was not right/good for me but I was not abused,however(Playing head games is a mental thing.And it can become mental abuse. I know we as human beings make our choices and we may not make the right choice for ourselves. We all as people/human beings need to make decisions and choices that may not be right for us but that is called learning and growing from our mistakes.

However, we need to know our self worth and know that we deserve better.
We may get lonely or feel pressures of friends,family and society about being married before a certain age, having children and settling down.
Remember we all have our time and it may not be on our friends, family or society time because we are all different, we are indiviuals with our own likes, dislikes and mistakes. God has someone great for us and it takes patience because we may get (women/men) frustrated and lonely but don't settle just because your friends are involved or even more committed (married). The person that God has for you will come eventually.

Until then we need to go through frogs, and four legged creatures.

It is needed for when we finally meet that man/woman worth waiting for.

I and many others want our family and friends to be with someone that has their best at heart, that someone that treats you with respect and love and if we do not go through the wrong one. Then we will not know a great man/woman once they are finally presented to you.

Note: We do not need to live with any type of abuse (Mentally, Phiysical and Emotional) to know a great man/woman in our future.

So, I ask of you please let go of that someone that means you no good.
Let go of that one that has bad intentions for you, do not allow someone to mentally, physically and emotionally abuse you. Get out of it, talk to someone and ask for help. A woman/man does not love you if he treats you like your nothing but dirt under their feet.

Take control of you, love you and know that there is help out here for you.
It is ok to be by yourself, so that you can focus on you and let it be about you.
I love you and God loves you and wants the best for you.

Know that physical, mental and emotional abuse is not different over any other. It is unwanted abuse to anyone. It is not healthy for you , you and you.

If you know of anyone that is living with abuse, mental, physical or emotional abuse. Please ask them and let him/her know that they are not alone and it is help out there. I have some links and a number for further information and help.

No woman, child or man should want or have to live with any type of abuse....

Speak up if you suspect domestic violence or any type of abuse



Express concern.

Listen and validate.

Offer help.

Support her/him decisions


Wait for her/him to come to you.

Judge or blame.

Pressure her/him.

Give advice.

Place conditions on your support.


Wait for her/him to come to you.

Judge or blame.

Pressure her/him.

Give advice.

Important Comment from Amber (Supporter):

This not only goes for your partner, but also your friends. I have had to dump several friends because they became "toxic". Even if they are abusive to others and not to you, it spreads to you like a virus and infects your life. The best thing to do is to cut them off.

I felt that this is very important as well and I wanted to add this comment.

Do not accept abuse from anyone, partner, family or friends!!!!

National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY) – A crisis intervention and referral phone line for domestic violence. (Texas Council on Family Violence)

Thursday, January 21, 2010


             Photo By: Vladimir Prelovac

Take the time from your busy lives & schedules

Take the time out to reflect on your life.
Take the time to be thankful for all you have.
Be thankful for good health, family and great friends.
Be appreciative of all that you have and the ability to strive and have all of your dreams & goals come true.

Reflect on how you and who you is.
Take time to take care of you.
Always have room within your being to be more faithful, allow God in and to improve yourself for the better....
Learn to have patience or just a little more patience, communication, balance and understanding of self & others.

No when to let certain things go
Also laugh a little more, laughter is good for the soul & heart

Work on letting go of past hurts, disappointments and torture (Pain).
Work on letting go of present (here& now) hurt, pain and disappointments.
Learn how to let go of stress and to have a clear mind.
You can stay focused & concentrate on the important things.

That way you can be stress free and you would have joy....
Learn how to let go of people, person or whom ever that means you no good.
If they do not have good intentions let them go.
Some people are just around for a season, reason or a lifetime.

You will know or will know who is which, believe me.
Take pride in yourself, love yourself and learn yourself.
If no one understands you, at least you will understand yourself. : )
Take the time out to just be you, enjoy things you love& like.

Surround yourself with God, Family, Friends (Great True), and Positive things.
Enjoy yourself, enjoy the things you love & enjoy.
Pamper yourself and be good to yourself
Take the time to reflect about you, life, love and joy....

Learn to take the time to enjoy this beautiful world
Enjoy a piece of art, smell a flower, watch the river flow & see the curves in the street.
Look at the definition of a photograph, smell aromas and enjoy a great book.
Take the time to reflect on the great many things.

I wanted to take this time to write this to self, you & you......

Love you and be you and only you......

Will do, to self

Know that you deserve the best in self, relationship, finances, love, careers etc.

Belive that angels do exist, because I do

( I love Angels)

Note to self: Slow down with the pitbull tude

Friday, January 15, 2010


Anonymous said...

I would first like to thank you for sharing your experience with everyone. It is very hard to open up to anyone after someone hurts you it takes a lot of courage.

Trust is the expectancy of people that they can rely on your word. It is built through integrity and consistency in relationships.

I am still struggling with this and want to take it a step further after reading your blog.

If a person has had an on and off again relationship with the other person without actually commiting but trying to see if things could work out. If a person is going through personal turmoil that is not specific to your relationship and ask if they can trust you? You say Yes you can trust me. Is it fair for them to use that against you in the relationship prior to the commitment? What I'm trying to say is that person has not commited you the other person is free to date whomever they want to. Yet, when they reach the point of wanting the commitment and feel that you should automatically slip into the commitment mode without discussion. Is it fair for them to pull the trust card out on you? Truth be told often times we move on physically or emotionally when the other person is unable to make up their mind. Are we living in a fairy tale world thinking that Love can last without trust or is it possible? I am not sure about you but I have wasted a lot of time by choice in the longevity of relationships waiting for the trust that never was fully captured. Is it true that the other person when asked really has the answer or are they just trying to figure out if. You can be in love yet struggle with trusting the other person when infedelity has taken place?

Ms. A
January 13, 2010 5:56 PM

Hello Supporters (Friends),

I received this comment and I am going to address this topic fully. I will give my opinion on this topic and I will love to receive feedback from my supporters (friends). Because everyone has their own opinion or very own personal experience on this situation and you ( Ms. A ) maybe able to gain an eye opening realization.

While I am tackling this situation, I would in the mean time love to get your feedback on this....

Thank You Guys.... : )

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Muffler gone Bad!!

I was driving on I64 East going to work and it was smooth sailing (that is what I thought), I just finished talking to the Lord. So, I am feeling great and singing to myself (yes,singing to self) because once again my radio is not working. I know, I need to get that looked at, my radio does that from time to time. My baby (car) gets in her moods when she does not want to be bothered. ( You know how we are ladies) LOL.............................

Anyway I am driving and the next exit before the tunnel is coming and then I hear a noise coming from my baby (car) and I am dragging something. I am thinking/saying: (Awwww come on, What is it now, LOL, Can I make it to work because I do not want to get a 1/2 a point for being late, Is it my muffler).

I do take the Mallory exit in Hampton and I pull up in to the Hardee's parking lot. I put my car in park (you noticed, I say car when I am upset with her). I get out the car and go to the rear end of my car and I see my muffler laying on the ground chilling. LOL !

Yes, my muffler laying on the ground!! (Muffler Gone Bad ) : (

I was looking all cute in my gray trouser's and black top, so I was not going to get on knees on the cement. So, I look in my trunk and found my little blanket ( oh man, dont you think nothing ), I take the blanket and bend on my knees to look under my car and I still see the black hard rubber pieces that holds my muffler ( thank god ) so I get the muffler back up in there and secured the muffler with the black locket thingys.
And I was on my way to work once again.

I safely got to work without the relapse of a Muffler Gone Bad.
Yes, I was late but let me say that it was all good because they knew of my situation.

I just wanted to share my Muffler Gone Bad story with you all.
Just one of my great days in my life.... LOL

Hope you all enjoy. If you would like to share any stories, please feel free....I would love to hear one of your great days in your life.... : )

Can you still love him/her without Trust?

In the subway last Sunday, one drunken guy got on the train and started to shout at people. ``You know…. I love her but I can't trust her.'' He seemed really drunk and somewhat desperate. And I started to wonder if love has something to do with trust. Can we love someone whom we cannot trust? Does trust always come with love? Is love one thing and trust another? These questions never seem to go out of style.

By Kim Min-jeong

This is something that is thought about with many. Because love will never go out of style and the questions are endless. Because I believe that every human being wants to be loved, trusted and loved again.
The thing is can I , we or you love someone without trust.

I believe it is possible for a short period of time. The reason I say for a short period of time is because I was in love with someone that I trusted until he done something to our relationship where he has brokem the trust I had for him.

I was in a relationship with him for 4 years and I loved and I trusted him. I felt that he would not break my heart/trust for him. You see how heart (love) & trust falls together because love and trust is blended together.
It is one.
(I do not see how a person can love someone that they cannot trust).

We was together for years and here I was without trust because he took it from me. I will admit that I was still in love with him and he was the man I was going to marry and have his babies. I was heart broken but there was a part of me that still wanted to stay and be with him. I wanted to trust him again, but it would be a long and hard struggle to regain that trust back for him.

Even though we was working on staying together, I still found myself mad, upset,discouraged and distrustful towards him for what he did to me and our relationship. We would have our long conversations of why and how could he make me feel this way. I would find myself questioning all of his actions because I no longer trusted the man I loved.

The relationship did end shortly after trying to regain the trust back for him. I could say that love was not enough to keep our relationship together. We stayed arguing and questioning every move that he made because I no longer had the trust within me for him. From my experience of being in love and trusting the man I was with for several years ended because of no trust. I believe that love and trust is one. You cannot have one without the other.

Other statements on this topic:

Love and trust could be like bricks and cement. When building a house, we place cement before we add a brick so it can settle and attach well. If we don't add enough cement, the house might fall to pieces. To build a strong house, we will have to add enough cement so that all the bricks can stay strong enough not to fall apart. Love and trust could be something that always should stick together and survive together in building a relationship just like bricks and cement in building a house.

By Kim Min-jeong

Love without trust is no love at all. Love is based on trust. The minuite your lover has cheated or especially falls for another that person doesn't love you and that trust destroys and love also destroys because they goes together.Or maybe the person is using one of them to fullfil the void that lives in them.

By Rosepoet

I can love them, but I can't/won't stay with someone I don't trust ... Without trust you have nothing.

by Jen-Jen

A Quote about Trust/Love:
“We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone - but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy”

Quoted by: Walter Anderson
Paradoxically meaning: seemingly full of contradictions

Hello my supporters/friends, this is my opinion and my own experience with Trust and Love. I would love to receive your feedback on this subject. You can leave a comment or even email me @

Talk to you soon ...... : )

Thursday, January 7, 2010

My Adventure going home to (NY)

Hello my friends,

OMG! 2010 is here and it is great.................................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do hope that all of you have had a Great, Safe and Blessed New Years!

I did go home to NY and I had an adventure that need to be shared with you all, lol!
I did not want to drive home to NY because I wanted to sit back and enjoy the ride with someone else driving. That is why I decided to take the China Bus from Virginia to NY. Of course it was crowded because it seemed like most of Virginia was going to NY for the hoildays.
The bus was suppose to leave at 11:45 pm and because of it being crowded, it took a long time to get everyone situated on the bus because the attendant was trying to get people on the bus that came at the last minute with out reservations.
When I looked at my watch it was 12:30am when everyone was finally situated on the bus.We all was ready to get on the road, instead we was approached by the attendant saying if some of the passengers would want to get off and get on the bus that just pulled up, so about 5-6 people got off to take the other bus.
Me and my brother stayed on because we was both settled and to struggle with obtaining our bags from underneath the bus would be terror :)! (My brother came to VA to visit me and his father for Christmas). I was so happy that my brother came down; it was great to see my baby brother!

So, it was 12:54am and we are still sitting in the parking lot (yes that is right, we never left)and everyone is wondering WTF!
Note: It was at least 1-2 passengers outside of the bus:
Then one of the passengers stepped on to the bus and said we have a flat...............................................

Passengers: Why haven't the driver/someone say this S*#% before and we could have gotten on the other bus.
Somehow the passenger figured out a way of putting air in the tire so that the bus driver can get  to a place that would fix the tire.
Note:(The driver could not find anyone to come out and fix the tire) Unreal!

Self: Unbelievable, this is frag er nacile Bullshit! LOL, better not try any funny shit (Too much TV at times)

We pull off about 1:30am and we finally made it to this truck stop located off of I95 around 2 something am and the passenger gets off the bus with the driver & attendant to talk to the people about getting the tire fixed. About 10 minutes late the passenger steps on the bus and said: “We need to ride about 2miles and pull to the side and then call for help"

Self: LOL, wow this is crazy
The passenger goes back outside to continue talking with the men at the truck stop and about 5minutes later the tire is being worked on.

Self: Ok, I guess the people felt bad and decided to fix the damn tire (Should not need to drive no damn 2miles to get some damn help anyway).

I did forget to mention that it was snowing, yes it was snowing.....................................................
So, finally we was off to see the wizard, hahahaha, could not help but to say it like that, anyway we get on the road at 3 something in the morning to NY. We all made it safely to NY, which is always important.

A drive that usually takes 6 hours to 6 and 1/2 hours to get home to NY, this adventure took 11hours to get home! Wow, that is all I can say......................... : ) LOL..................................................................

Oh, yea my brother was sleep through the whole adventure!

One more thing, the passenger said that he was going to get paid by helping the driver out and the he got paid $10.00. Yes, Ten Dollars. LOL. He did say something to the driver and was like " how are you only giving me $10.00 after me helping you, you know that is not right"

Self: At least you are $10.00 richer!

Hope you enjoyed our adventure home to NY...................... Happy New Year !!!!

Remarks from CBS Sunday Morning - Ben Stein

This was brought to my attention from my friend Arlene B. She actually copied the email and gave it to her co-workers and I did not get a chance to read the paper yesterday 01.06.10. I was checking my yahoo account and the email was there as well. I took the time out to read it and it is true and great to read.
It really does get you to thinking because the statements are so true. I want to share this with all of you..

I would love to hear what you think about this?

The following was written by Ben Stein and recited by him on CBS Sunday Morning Commentary.

My confession:

I am a Jew, and every single one of my ancestors was Jewish. And it does not bother me even a little bit when people call those beautiful lit up, bejeweled trees, Christmas trees. I don't feel threatened. I don't feel discriminated against. That's what they are, Christmas trees.

It doesn't bother me a bit when people say, 'Merry Christmas' to me. I don't think they are slighting me or getting ready to put me in a ghetto. In fact, I kind of like it. It shows that we are all brothers and sisters celebrating this happy time of year. It doesn't bother me at all that there is a manger scene on display at a key intersection near my beach house in Malibu. If people want a crèche, it's just as fine with me as is the Menorah a few hundred yards away.

I don't like getting pushed around for being a Jew, and I don't think Christians like getting pushed around for being Christians. I think people who believe in God are sick and tired of getting pushed around, period. I have no idea where the concept came from, that America is an explicitly atheist country. I can't find it in the Constitution and I don't like it being shoved down my throat.

Or maybe I can put it another way: where did the idea come from that we should worship celebrities and we aren't allowed to worship God as we understand Him? I guess that's a sign that I'm getting old, too. But there are a lot of us who are wondering where these celebrities came from and where the America we knew went to.

In light of the many jokes we send to one another for a laugh, this is a little different: This is not intended to be a joke; it's not funny, it's intended to get you thinking.

Billy Graham's daughter was interviewed on the Early Show and Jane Clayson asked her 'How could God let something like this happen?' (regarding Hurricane Katrina). Anne Graham gave an extremely profound and insightful response. She said, 'I believe God is deeply saddened by this, just as we are, but for years we've been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives. And being the gentleman He is, I believe He has calmly backed out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand He leave us alone?'

In light of recent events....Terrorists attack, school shootings, etc. I think it started when Madeleine Murray O'Hare (she was murdered, her body found a few years ago) complained she didn't want prayer in our schools, and we said OK. Then someone said you better not read the Bible in school. The Bible says thou shalt not kill; thou shalt not steal, and love your neighbor as yourself. And we said OK.

Then Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our children when they misbehave, because their little personalities would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem (Dr. Spock's son committed suicide.) We said an expert should know what he's talking about. And we said okay.

Now we're asking ourselves why our children have no conscience, why they don't know right from wrong, and why it doesn't bother them to kill strangers, their classmates, and themselves.
Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough, we can figure it out. I think it has a great deal to do with 'WE REAP WHAT WE SOW.'

Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world's going to hell. Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but question what the Bible says. Funny how you can send 'jokes' through e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when you start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing. Funny how lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene articles pass freely through cyberspace, but public discussion of God is suppressed in the school and workplace.

Are you laughing yet?

Funny how when you forward this message, you will not send it to many on your address list because you're not sure what they believe, or what they will think of you for sending it.

Funny how we can be more worried about what other people think of us than what God thinks of us.

Pass it on if you think it has merit.

If not, then just discard it.... No one will know you did. But, if you discard this thought process, don't sit back and complain about what bad shape the world is in.

My Best Regards, Honestly and Respectfully,

Ben Stein