Friday, February 12, 2010


Has it come to this nowadays?

The New Way To Approve A Man Application I received today from my co-worker to review, laugh and wonder....

Has it come to giving applications to potential friends, lovers and more?
I will agree that it is very hard to meet that one person that is the one for you.
It gets frustrating, lonely and down right disgusted.
It is very hard to find a man/woman that is close to your perfect. The one that accepts you for you and only you.

The application asks for all types of information like this:

Name: Last, First and Middle " Not Initial but Full Middle Name"
Telephone: Home, Work and Cell
Date Of Birth, Age, Height and Weight
Ethnicity: Black, Hispanic, White or other
Where do you live with: Parents(Mother,Father or both), Girlfriend,Baby Mama, Shelter etc.
Any Children: 1, 2, 3 or more
How many Baby Mamas: 1, 2, 3 or more and please provide names
Ever Been Married: once, twice or more
Are you or have you ever been on the down low: If yes, Stop filling out application
Do you owe child support: Yes, No or I don't know
*If your ex-wife is getting state benefits(childcare, food stamps.etc) STOP HERE and take care of kids.

Education: Any education at all
Have you been in Jail/Prison: If yes, what was the crime and time spent
Employed: Yes or No (If NO please STOP HERE)
Do you have health insurance:
Last visit to Dentist, Man Doctor, Any illnesses(List the following:Hepatitis,Gonorrhea, etc.)

By signing you agree that all information given is true to the best of your knowledge. For my protection, you may be asked to provide state ID, birth certificate, recent pay stub, recent clean bill of health from a certified physician.

Do you of have you ever used these: Heroin, Paint Markers, Ecstasy, Crack/Cocaine, etc.
Any Falsifying information may result in termination of this relationship (if applicable). and a severe a** whooping by my project cousins Pookie, Ray Ray, Darnell, Lil Krazy or all of the above

Just seeing the questions in an application form is funny.... LOL!!
If you think about it, the questions have been asked over the period of time to that special someone, friend, lover or more.

The questions may have been asked a little differently but it is the same question to many.

What do you think of this application should there be more questions or leave as is?

This application can be a starter out app:, because the questions can go deeper then this over time when we are getting to know someone.

I would like to know what you think about this application and what questions do you ask a man/woman? What questions should be added to this application?

My questions I ask and that should be added to application is:
1. Are you respectful?
2. Are you a romantic?
3. Are you spontaneous?

I have many more questions that is and will be asked over time.

* What do my Beautiful People Think?


Anonymous said...

Definite overlooked question.....How big is your penis?


Mama's Girl Alexis said...

OMG! You are right! I am laughing very hard at this comment! LOL, LMAO!!

Anonymous said...

OMG Amber I was thinking the SAME THING! You have to see this thing to believe it. I have seen this application and I am going to upload it so my next potential mates can fill it out.

Girl, that app had me and Natasha weak too.

n2dnme said...

oh oh I have more.

1. What size shoe do you wear? Darn I forgot that is just a theory.

2. Do you know what to do with the size? Really in some cases size does not matter. Just because he is well endowed it does not mean he knows how to use it properly. Another tool on the tool belt or in the tool box that a man can not use.