Friday, January 15, 2010


Anonymous said...

I would first like to thank you for sharing your experience with everyone. It is very hard to open up to anyone after someone hurts you it takes a lot of courage.

Trust is the expectancy of people that they can rely on your word. It is built through integrity and consistency in relationships.

I am still struggling with this and want to take it a step further after reading your blog.

If a person has had an on and off again relationship with the other person without actually commiting but trying to see if things could work out. If a person is going through personal turmoil that is not specific to your relationship and ask if they can trust you? You say Yes you can trust me. Is it fair for them to use that against you in the relationship prior to the commitment? What I'm trying to say is that person has not commited you the other person is free to date whomever they want to. Yet, when they reach the point of wanting the commitment and feel that you should automatically slip into the commitment mode without discussion. Is it fair for them to pull the trust card out on you? Truth be told often times we move on physically or emotionally when the other person is unable to make up their mind. Are we living in a fairy tale world thinking that Love can last without trust or is it possible? I am not sure about you but I have wasted a lot of time by choice in the longevity of relationships waiting for the trust that never was fully captured. Is it true that the other person when asked really has the answer or are they just trying to figure out if. You can be in love yet struggle with trusting the other person when infedelity has taken place?

Ms. A
January 13, 2010 5:56 PM

Hello Supporters (Friends),

I received this comment and I am going to address this topic fully. I will give my opinion on this topic and I will love to receive feedback from my supporters (friends). Because everyone has their own opinion or very own personal experience on this situation and you ( Ms. A ) maybe able to gain an eye opening realization.

While I am tackling this situation, I would in the mean time love to get your feedback on this....

Thank You Guys.... : )


Anonymous said...

Ms. A
The problem is most deal with people in hopes that this is it. He/She is the one for me. We often turn that person in to what we're looking for. Now back to the topic of dealing with someone that's pretty much a booty call buddy. You most remember there is a level of trust there. Meaning you have to trust that this person is not putting their self at risk of catching a STD. But if your booty call wants more. Think of why this person is a booty call. If this person was relationship material when you be with already. Lust is often mistaken for love. Before you decide your booty call is relationship material look at the whole picture. There's a huge difference between someone you want to be with and someone you just screwing.

Mr. S.J.M.

Anonymous said...

I am so excited waiting and anticipating your response to the comment.

Ms. A