Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Can you still love him/her without Trust?

In the subway last Sunday, one drunken guy got on the train and started to shout at people. ``You know…. I love her but I can't trust her.'' He seemed really drunk and somewhat desperate. And I started to wonder if love has something to do with trust. Can we love someone whom we cannot trust? Does trust always come with love? Is love one thing and trust another? These questions never seem to go out of style.

By Kim Min-jeong

This is something that is thought about with many. Because love will never go out of style and the questions are endless. Because I believe that every human being wants to be loved, trusted and loved again.
The thing is can I , we or you love someone without trust.

I believe it is possible for a short period of time. The reason I say for a short period of time is because I was in love with someone that I trusted until he done something to our relationship where he has brokem the trust I had for him.

I was in a relationship with him for 4 years and I loved and I trusted him. I felt that he would not break my heart/trust for him. You see how heart (love) & trust falls together because love and trust is blended together.
It is one.
(I do not see how a person can love someone that they cannot trust).

We was together for years and here I was without trust because he took it from me. I will admit that I was still in love with him and he was the man I was going to marry and have his babies. I was heart broken but there was a part of me that still wanted to stay and be with him. I wanted to trust him again, but it would be a long and hard struggle to regain that trust back for him.

Even though we was working on staying together, I still found myself mad, upset,discouraged and distrustful towards him for what he did to me and our relationship. We would have our long conversations of why and how could he make me feel this way. I would find myself questioning all of his actions because I no longer trusted the man I loved.

The relationship did end shortly after trying to regain the trust back for him. I could say that love was not enough to keep our relationship together. We stayed arguing and questioning every move that he made because I no longer had the trust within me for him. From my experience of being in love and trusting the man I was with for several years ended because of no trust. I believe that love and trust is one. You cannot have one without the other.

Other statements on this topic:

Love and trust could be like bricks and cement. When building a house, we place cement before we add a brick so it can settle and attach well. If we don't add enough cement, the house might fall to pieces. To build a strong house, we will have to add enough cement so that all the bricks can stay strong enough not to fall apart. Love and trust could be something that always should stick together and survive together in building a relationship just like bricks and cement in building a house.

By Kim Min-jeong

Love without trust is no love at all. Love is based on trust. The minuite your lover has cheated or especially falls for another that person doesn't love you and that trust destroys and love also destroys because they goes together.Or maybe the person is using one of them to fullfil the void that lives in them.

By Rosepoet

I can love them, but I can't/won't stay with someone I don't trust ... Without trust you have nothing.

by Jen-Jen

A Quote about Trust/Love:
“We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone - but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy”

Quoted by: Walter Anderson
Paradoxically meaning: seemingly full of contradictions

Hello my supporters/friends, this is my opinion and my own experience with Trust and Love. I would love to receive your feedback on this subject. You can leave a comment or even email me @

Talk to you soon ...... : )


Studio CK said...

You post is so true, love and trust do go hand and hand. This not only applies to love in a romantic sense but also in the sense of love that you have towards a friend. If a true friend that you love betrays you or damages the relationship the friendship is damaged because the trust that was once there is gone. Good post I am sure everyone has been there and can relate.

Anonymous said...

I would first like to thank you for sharing your experience with everyone. It is very hard to open up to anyone after someone hurts you it takes a lot of courage.

Trust is the expectancy of people that they can rely on your word. It is built through integrity and consistency in relationships.

I am still struggling with this and want to take it a step further after reading your blog.

If a person has had an on and off again relationship with the other person without actually commiting but trying to see if things could work out. If a person is going through personal turmoil that is not specific to your relationship and ask if they can trust you? You say Yes you can trust me. Is it fair for them to use that against you in the relationship prior to the commitment? What I'm trying to say is that person has not commited you the other person is free to date whomever they want to. Yet, when they reach the point of wanting the commitment and feel that you should automatically slip into the commitment mode without discussion. Is it fair for them to pull the trust card out on you? Truth be told often times we move on physically or emotionally when the other person is unable to make up their mind. Are we living in a fairy tale world thinking that Love can last without trust or is it possible? I am not sure about you but I have wasted a lot of time by choice in the longevity of relationships waiting for the trust that never was fully captured. Is it true that the other person when asked really has the answer or are they just trying to figure out if. You can be in love yet struggle with trusting the other person when infedelity has taken place?

Ms. A

Anonymous said...

I believe that these two go together...however, I also believe that if this person is really worth fighting for then you can learn to regain trust. But that has to be in your nature and have the will to do so. If not, then there isnt a reason to do so.