Thursday, December 17, 2009



Some people set their standards very very high, very high or high about what type of person they would date,  give their time to or fall in love with. Women/Men may have a certain standard on who we are attracted to. We may meet the nicest person and they aren't what we see as (I will date him, or sleep with him or give my number to) because he/she is not the type we are searching/looking for. How would we know that we may have just blown off that person that will love, respect and care for us etc.

Matter of fact we may have just blown that Great Man/Woman off!

Sometimes we may need to lower our standards just a little bit: Someone may aproach me, you or us and he/she may be short/tall, too skinny/fat, baldy/braids or just basically not the ideal type that we would give our time to.
He/she can be that person for us, we will never know unless we give that person a chance. That person may be your inside description of that Great Man/Woman you have been looking for all along.


Now, settling is a different from standards. Do not settle for less always know that you deserve the best from a man/woman. Everyone has their own definition of not settling for less.

My definition: Not to be the second woman, be disrespected, lied to, played games with, abused mentally, physically or emotionally, given the run around etc.

So, lowering your standards is not settling. It is a world of difference between the two.

Love has no face, body, color, eyes, lips or clothes because,
                                                                                          LOVE   is  Blind  !!
P.S This was brought to my attention from my male friend, once again ! :)
You know who you are!

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