Monday, November 9, 2009

Power of Dating

I have male friends and we talk about females and males relationship(s)  because it has changed over time. Dating has changed alot and us women can be misinformed at times. It can be someones' first time on the dating scene, or a divorcee back on the dating scene. I was told by one of my male friends and he stated this to me:  It is best to just hang out and go dutch with a man, then to have him pay for everything? Alot of men think that if he pays for the whole date, then he may expect something in return, it gives the man the power!

What is your take on this?


Anonymous said...

I believe that the woman should go dutch but if he insists on paying, then let him pay....

Anonymous said...

I don't see why the man should pay all even if I know lots of women still think so.
I am a female and I think it is better if both share the expenses apart when one insists to pay or if it is agreed in advance, but it could be the woman as much as the man.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts on this is that why call it a date if you have to pay. Just call some friends or aquaintences and call it a get together at a public establishment. If you have to pay out of your pocket then invite him over fix him dinner or a snack. Let him do his part by making his own plate and getting his own drink. It is called hospitality which means you paid in advance. If the two of you decide to go out together he can pay and you can handle the tip. Hey is that called dutch?