I have a great poem that a friend/co-worker allowed for me to read and then she passed this great poem out to each co-worker on our team. I would like to share this poem with you all because it is uplifting and very inspirational.
* His eyes are looking to and fro seeking whom he can send a blessing to.
He looks upon us so lovingly.
The eyes that watch over our souls are happy, angry and sometimes sad.
God's eyes see the beginning and the end of our lives. They are the windows of our soul.
Will we touch his heart enough that the course of our life will change?
Will we recognize that he knows all and sees all.
Will our discernment let us recognize what he is seeing is me?
He watches as his children live a life before him with no thought that it pains
him to see our conduct.
We have no appreciation of the great sacrifice of his son Jesus so that we can
be free of the curse of the forbidden tree.
What we have given in return is to live our lives in a manner we see fit.
Decisions made without thinking and praying about it; because we have
forgotten to seek him for an answer.
We live our lives on borrowed time not knowing what the next second, minute
or hour will bring.
We foolishly think that tomorrow will come because we have been deceived by the enemy.
We fail to pray to him during our quiet time.
We say we have the faith of a mustard seed. How is that true when we have
removed ourselves from prayers?
Yet GOD watches with patience and in awe and in anticipation that we will change.
We take his precious love for granted by thinking he owes us more.
We in our selfishness do not stop to ask him "God" can I do anything for you.
Not a moment passes that he does not love us.
Did you know that every pain we feel he feels it also?
It is just something so tangible about his love. When I think of his goodness and all that he has done for me it makes me want to dance, shout and scream hallelujah.
The question is why can"t we do more for him?
He desires to see a world harmonized coming together in unity as one.
His love is about giving to the broken hearted and bringing us back to him.
What will it take to make this happen in a world and nation so cruel with no
regards to mankind?
We kill the innocent then try to justify it by saying that we are doing his will.
I think of the countless missionaries, the women and children in the third world countries
such as Sudan.
The ones who are raped and brutally beaten by the ones they should trust the family
members brothers and friends.
The world has no justifiable reason why it continues to turn. Wake up people can't you see the wars and rumors of wars. The destruction of earth quakes in places far and near. The way the seasons are changing and it is called global warming. Well from what I have read int the great
book it is called the last days.
What if God decided to close his eyes for a minute from all the sickness and shame?
It saddens the heart of God so that he weeps, watches and waits.
He is waiting for the ones that are willing to stand up and hold the blood stained banner.
To shout from the mountain tops that for God I'll live and for him I will die. To teach the
word in places that others are not willing to go.
He commands us to love one another and expects nothing less.
His love for us is unconditional that is why his eyes rest on this great nation.
What are you willing to do to bring joy and laughter into the eyes of God?
This is dedicated to the father of this Universe my true love above our Father that sits high
and looks down low.
Written By: Ms. A
I hope all of my Beautiful People like this great poem....